Embedded Curtain wall not showing in Dynamo as an Insert

Hi :slight_smile:

I am an MEP engineer who has written a dynamo script that takes an Architectural model and exports room data that I am interested in such as Area, Volume but also External/Internal wall area, External/Internal curtain wall area etc. These values are useful to me at the very early stages of a project where I would typically do a manual calculation on predicted heating/cooling loads (prior to a more sophisticated calculation being done at a more appropriate design stage).

One of the nodes I am using is Elements.Inserts to try and get what curtain walls might be embedded into a wall.

This has always worked perfectly in the past. I have recently received an architectural model where Element.Inserts is not picking up a curtain wall as an insert.


  1. The way the curtain wall has been modeled by the architect isn’t technically embedding it into the wall. (I am not an architect so am not qualified to comment)

  2. My previous workflows that worked perfectly were in Revit 2020. In this received model in Revit 2022 is there anything in that progression that is tripping this up? Is the call for FindInserts to the API different than before?

I have stripped the model back to one example wall and embedded curtain wall and attempted to remove any sensitive data. Also a basic dynamo script that has the basic nodes that if you run return an empty list.

If someone could advise on whether this is because of 1), 2) or any other advice I would be enormously grateful. If any of the uploads are not working please also let me know :).

Thank you,

Why_Curtain_Wall_Not_Embedded.rvt (4.1 MB)
Why_Is_Element_Insert_Not_Picking_Up.dyn (7.9 KB)

@DukeofPork ,

i changed the collector style to all elements of category…



Hi Andreas,

Thank you so much for your reply. I think this showed I didn’t understand the difference betwen a stackedwall/wall.

What your message did prompt me to check was whether there were any pinned/hidden room separation lines the architects were using to define boundaries. Turns out there was one and the room.boundaries node was hitting that first instead of my wall and therefore not using the wall element and ask that whether there were any hosted elements.

Thank you very much again for your help and have a nice rest of the day :slight_smile:

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