Issue with Area Plans and Sheet Creation

In a graph I have been using lately, I am creating sheets and placing views. Area Plans seem to be unwilling to participate in this.

Here is a summary: I am grabbing ALL views from the model. I get a big list with some empty values (I presume these are maybe the view types or view templates or some such). Anyhow, I take this list and pull out the views I actually want from the list with IndexOf.

But Node three is where it gets weird. Notice item 38 and 45 and beyond. They all correctly grab a view which includes the type of view, its name and then the green Revit ID. But notice what happens to the Area Plans. There is one Gross Building and five Rentable. They all report an element ID, which indicates that it should work, but they only say ViewPlan. Which is weird.

But further down the graph, (which you don’t see), this list goes to a Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView where it fails to create these sheets. If substitute the Area Plans with a drafting view, then it works. So I can make the sheets without Area Plans, but cannot get Dynamo to place Area Plans.

Is there some limitation in the API with Area Plans? Is this just an anomaly with my graph and my mediocre scripting skills? Should I post the graph?

Anyhow, I ended up placing the views manually, but I am curious if anyone knows if this is a real or imagined issue.

Definitely post your graph and/or an image of it (with previews of course) for us to look through.

When you placed the area plans manually did they fit on the sheet or did you have to crop them down? If a view is larger than the sheet it’s being placed on Revit will throw an error.

All my plan views use a scope box. I did previously get the error about their being too large. But fixed it with the scope box. Sheets and Views.dyn (111.1 KB)
SheetList and Views.xlsx (13.6 KB)
So that is not the cause.

Thanks for taking a look!

Can you either post an image of your entire graph showing the output previews or post a stripped down version of your model so we can run the graph ourselves?

@Paul_Aubin I found this:

As a workaround, you may try making the sheets first then placing the views on afterwards using the Viewport.Create node from the Rhythm package. Seems to work that way.

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That node/package looks promising. Thanks!

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Hi @Nick, thanks for the reply. Looks like according to the next reply by @awilliams that area plans are not supported.

Happy to still post the image if you want it though.
