Is there a way to get access to the grid lines in the Revit link files?

I’m trying to hide the grid lines in the Revit linked files by view. Is there a way to do that? I can’t find a node for that.
Any help is very much appreciated.
dynamo Revit #

@carsosAHL8V ,

check out bimorph nodes or genius loci. they have nodes to get linked stuff.



Yes, definitely possible.
As Andreas mentioned, the Bimorph package has excellent method of handling links.

I’m not at my pc so this will be from memory, but you’ll probably want to retrieve linked elements visible in your view, and filter down to grids (probably by category). You can then hide them with an override view graphics mode (I forget the actual name of the node).

Hi @carsosAHL8V you could create a filter with rule not contain and be sure your grids name isnt the same as links grid


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I get this error


did you realy select the link ?



Yeah, you can see the ID 5976735

This is what I want to do. Turn off the grids of the linked files using Dynamo.

I have used Bymorph nodes, Genius Loci nodes and Synthesize nodes. The closest I have got is turning off the grids that are NOT in the linked files.

When I set to true, the branch 1 doesn’t do anything, but the branch 2 tur off the white grids (see image above) which are the ones I want to keep

Hi @carsosAHL8V dont think its possible that way, thats why i suggest a filter

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I tried to replicate what you did, but I couldn’t get it either

Try here…and it seems you need either dynamopythonpackage 2.5 installed our the newset bimorphpackage not sure…be sure the grids doesnt have similar name,


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Thank you @sovitek. That worked fine!!!


Thanks @Draxl_Andreas for your help too!!!