Is there a function that can determine if point B is visible (YES/NO) from point A?

I am currently studying about VASA.
I have a question about VASA’s field of view analysis.
For example, is there a function that can determine if point B is visible (yes/no) from point A?

Not points directly - you have to convert the point to a voxel model. To do so use the triangle as 9 numbers node, where the 9 numbers are the point’s x, y, z, x, y, z, x, y, and z values.

Thanks for the reply.
I understand that I cannot use the points directly.
After approximating the points to triangles and converting them to Voxelmodel, what operation can I do to determine if point B is visible or not from point A?

Under the Boolean operations you can intersect the voxel models, though I don’t recall the node name. After that count the number of filled voxels. If the value is > 0, the point is seen.

“VisibilityOperations.VisibilityFromPoint” to check for interference between the voxel model from point A and the voxel model at point B using “Geometry.DoesIntersect” etc. Does it mean?

Nope. The two voxel models and a node named something like “intersect” in the VASA package. It is under the Boolean Operations men, which I think is under Operations. No VASA in my current environment or I would check for you, but if you screenshot the VASA library I can try to guide you.

Thank you for your kind attention.
I have attached a screenshot. Please check it.

SolidOperations if memory serves.

if you use a raybounce between point A and point B and you do not encounter any other element on this trajectory (logically it is visible)
Maybe you can try this track.


This is order of magnitude greater in terms of computational complexity than what VASA is, so you’d slow things down pretty significantly and you’d be stuck in a Revit context.

I’m adding VASA to my configuration and will post a demo shortly.

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This is an example of how I would achieve the desired outcome with VASA:

The node I was looking for was SolidOperations.Intersect, which takes a list of voxel models and gets the cells which are present in both.
Attaching my 'VASA Examples" graph which I added this to.
VASA Examples.dyn (114.4 KB)


Thank you for even providing the attachment.
I apologize if I am mistaken, but is this example determining whether points A and B are visible from point C?

Yes. Figured I would show testing multiple points from one point.

I made a test myself by connecting the nodes.
I am testing to see if A at the back of the screen can see B and C.
I was able to achieve this using the method you taught me.
Thank you very much.

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