Intersection Geometry in Python

Hi I am trying to compute the intersection of two solids in my python…
I’m not sure where I’m doing wrong in my code, but it’s returning this error

This is my code below:

import sys

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

import Revit

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

workspace = IN[0]
wall = IN[1]

solid_workspace = workspace.Solids
solid_wall = wall.Solids
intersection = solid_workspace[0].IntersectAll(solid_wall[0])

OUT = intersection

I’m guessing the problem lies in the argument?

What is the input geometry for “workspace”?

It’s a general family with only geometrical representation, taken from the node Select Model Element

And therefore it isn’t geometry, but a family instance.

Family instances don’t have an IntersectAll method, geometry does. Unwrap your family, union it into a single geometry, and then use the IntersectAll method and you should be fine. :slight_smile:

I found the mistake, it should be intersection = solid_workspace[0].IntersectAll(solid_wall)

The argument should have been kept as a list instead of an item… Thanks to your tip from AttributeError: object has no attribute - Revit - Dynamo (, I was able to read the documentation :smiley:

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