Interoperability between dynamo, Excel and civil 3d

Hola comunidad! espero que se encuentren todos bien y puedan ayudarme a ver este enfoque con altura de mira y profesionalismo, he tenido varios problemas al querer hacer operaciones entre dinamo y civil 3d y sus parámetros personalizados, sucede que tengo un modelo en civil 3D que son alrededor de 4000 objetos, cada objeto tiene 55 parámetros personalizados, estos parámetros les he asignado un valor diferente a cada uno y a los que no tienen este valor simplemente les he puesto un “-”, ¿Qué sucede entonces?. Sucede que me ha llegado la misión de traspasar la data completa a Excel pero sin los “-” y regresarla a Civil 3D es decir en espacios en blancos " " para ello he hecho 1 rutina de dinamo donde exporto los datos a Excel, al parece funciona bastante bien, al traspasarlo he limpiado los “-” a " " y en el momento de traspasar a Civil es donde tengo conflictos, me ha modificado la decantación de la data y a sido como una bomba, ya que he perdido gran mayoría del orden que tengo en mis documentos, he revisado la data y me cambia números y textos en las celdas donde deben ir, no quiero decir que es una porquería hacer interoperabilidad de datos entre Excel y dinamo solo quiero encontrar el ¿Por qué la falla masiva de datos y gran perdida que he tenido?. He revisado cada nodo y hay algunos donde el output me lanza null y no llega la información en otros si llega la información y es el mismo tipo de información solo que llega a distintos parámetros con otros nombres.

Hello community! I hope you are all well and can help me see this approach with height of vision and professionalism, I have had several problems when wanting to do operations between dynamo and civil 3d and its personalized parameters, it happens that I have a civil 3D model that is around 4000 objects, each object has 55 custom parameters, I have assigned these parameters a different value to each one and those that do not have this value I have simply put a “-”, What happens then? It happens that I have received the mission to transfer the complete data to Excel but without the “-” and return it to Civil 3D, that is, in blank spaces “” for this I have made 1 dynamo routine where I export the data to Excel, it seems It works quite well, when I transferred it I cleared the “-” to " that I have in my documents, I have reviewed the data and it changes numbers and texts in the cells where they should go, I don’t want to say that it is rubbish to do data interoperability between Excel and Dynamo, I just want to find out why the massive data failure What great loss have I had? I have reviewed each node and there are some where the output throws null and the information does not arrive; in others, the information does arrive and it is the same type of information, only it reaches different parameters with different names.

Hi and welcome to the forum.
Can you add som screenshot, maybe on your graph, on the nodes that returns null, and if you get any error message please add them as well.

The nodes above are arriving fine but this one and several others are not

Maybe this is example

I understand the packaging that you have sent me and the project, I see that you have more property sets within the project, one with 4 parameters, another with 5 and another with 6, each one has different values, and you transfer them to Excel, with their respective parametric names assigned, the issue is that I only have 1 property set called Civil Item (Earth Movement) this contains 55 parameters, as I mentioned I have no problem transferring to Excel, since I do not need the List.SortByKey node, this would occupy it if I had more property sets, the problem is when you return the Excel data to the model

What happens in the Python node, and have you checked the levels that goes in the node “PropertySetsExtension.SetPropertyValueByName”?