Installed Revit 2024 and now Dynamo won't open

I’m not sure what the issue could be, but Dynamo was working fine yesterday. I installed Revit 2024 this morning with no issues and now Dynamo won’t open and Revit just freezes. The same thing happens for both 2023 and 2024.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Hi @kslifter ,

I did a fresh install of Revit 2023 with its’ latest hotfix yesterday and could run Dynamo normally. Didn’t see the Revit 2024 release yesterday though, did that just release?

Yeah, I started seeing posts from people I follow last night.

@jacob.small was able to help me out.

The advice in this thread solved the problem.

The first thing I tried was deleting the contents of the bin folder and that did the trick. I’m back up and running.


I had a similar issue with Revit 2024 and Dynamo 2.19. Dynamo Player worked, but I could not open Dynamo and it only showed as a white box when hovering over the Revit icon on the Taskbar.
I solved the problem by removing the DynamoSettings.xml file from the below path and re-opening Revit and Dynamo:
C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.19\

I compared the dynamoLog files before and after fixing the problem and found that the last 4 lines of the log before fixing the problem showed the following:

[Date Time] : Clearing workspace…
[Date Time] : IronPythonExtension (id: D7B449D7-4D54-47EF-B742-30C7BEDFBE92) extension is removed
[Date Time] : DynamoPackageManager (id: FCABC211-D56B-4109-AF18-F434DFE48139) extension is removed
[Date Time] : Terminated

I compared the DynamoSettings.xml file before and after fixing the problem and found the following areas had changed after fixing the problem.

  • PackageDownloadTouAccepted changed from true to false.
  • ViewExtensionSettings was cleared.
  • DynamoPlayerFolderGroups was cleared.
  • and probably less importantly the WindowX, WindowY, WindowW, WindowH, RecentFiles, TrustedLocations, DefaultRunType and ReadNotificationIds were also cleared.