Fairly new to dynamo here!
I have export as .PNG several legend views, i would like now to import said .PNG into Detail items Image Parameter, is this possible? the Set Parameter Value is not working…
What is the best way to aproach this?
Fairly new to dynamo here!
I have export as .PNG several legend views, i would like now to import said .PNG into Detail items Image Parameter, is this possible? the Set Parameter Value is not working…
seems to be a type parameter, but not editable
did you try Set type Parameter?
i have now, but it still does not fill the Image parameter
With set parameter for image, you need do some thing like that to can set :
using (Transaction transaction = new Transaction(Doc,"set"))
string imgPath = @"C:\Users\chuon\photo_2022-10-23_11-55-38.jpg";
#if R23
ImageTypeOptions imageTypeOptions = new ImageTypeOptions(imgPath,false,ImageTypeSource.Import);
ImageType imageType = ImageType.Create(Doc, imageTypeOptions);
ImageType imageType = ImageType.Create(Doc, imgPath);
int id = 990191;
Element element = Doc.GetElement(new ElementId(id));
FamilySymbol? familySymbol = element as Autodesk.Revit.DB.FamilySymbol;
var parameter = familySymbol.LookupParameter("test");
With Dynamo Python Script is same, you need to input a imagetype id
to can set, don’t forget open a transaction to set parameter.