Not all elements have a location or geometry reference. These elements are also (in my experience) always invisible, such as the curtain panels I showed above. I won’t be at the PC for awhile yet, but can you provide a sample model with an object you can see in a 3D view that doesn’t return any geometry or geometry reference?
I cannot even share it copying in an empty revit file
I cannot share the file where is it, I should delete absolutely everything except that family which looks very complicated. there are not too many elements with this issue and it is difficult to extract because model in-place families and some are curtain panels too which depending on a curtain wall system, there is another that it is a Door family but I think is also inside a curtain wall
So you cannot find any of the elements with invalid geometry?
Why can’t you do a save as, delete all but the invisible stuff and post that?
script tells me I cannot get location from this Door, not even bounding box, but I do not believe it, I am very confused right now. Revit 2021 family file:
Door - Internal - DG Edge Symmetry Door.rfa (908 KB)
Can you create a new rvt file with an instance of this that we can’t get a location from? The rfa won’t have a location.
Intriguingly, when I DR and load this family under the door category in Revit 2025, Revit blocks the loading, prompting the family is not a door. When I open it in the family editor and then load it into active model, it loads successfully and appears in the project browser under door category. However, when I DR, the door types don’t show in Properties. Then I created several instances with code, though no matter how I change the creation point, the instances always appear at the internal origin. And location property remains null the whole time.
Submitting a Revit ticket might help.
yeah it is a mistery behaviour. maybe it is about how reference planes are setup or something else but I should not check inside any family to retrieve at least a geometric point, any point of where is it in the project coordinates
I think it is a 2021 family? I had to upgrade to 23 to look at it… but it seems fine? Unless I am doing something different to you?
Could it be that your file has a corruption of some sort?
We really need this to help. It’s guesswork until then.