Get location for an element

I am trying to get the lacation for an Element (section) but can not work with node Getlocation and always have this warning.
Warning: Element.GetLocation operation failed.
The location of the structural element is not a valid curve.

You can use the Element LocationCurve node from the Genius Loci package.


I am trying to get the curtain wall panel location but getting this same error. anyone plz help

The Element.GetLocatioin node only works on “linear” (line based) elements such as beams, braces (Structural Framing) or walls. (walls are generally defined by a line in plan and a vertical extent referenced to levels at the top/bottom).

I’m not very familiar with Curtain walls/curtain panels, but I would expect the panel to be a 3d element.
Maybe you can try Element.Geometry or Element.BoundingBox instead? (Note that this will probably return a Dynamo solid that you will need to further parse)

Without knowing what you are trying to do with the info, I’m afraid I can’t give you better advice.
