ImportInstance.byGeometry/Geometries Not Importing

I am trying to create a revit instance of a solid created in dynamo.

The solid is created by sweeping a circle along a curve.

The curve is created by a nurbs curve by a series of points.
The profile is created by drawings a circle on plane located at the start of the nurbs curve.

My script will crate the solid, however it doesn’t create the ImportInstance. Dynamo is showing the one is created, however, nothing gets created in Revit.

Works for me. Can you post the dyn and any data sources needed to recreate?

@jacob.small thanks for the reply. I have attached the .dyn file and associated excel file. Sorry but the script is a bit messy.

The pink group is where the excel file is selected.
At the end, the purple group creates the solid and has the ImportInstance node.

Tendon Alignment.xlsx (71.2 KB) Segmented Top Tendons - Spline-Rev3 - .dyn (422.5 KB)

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I have managed to get the ImportInstance to work, but I need to use a Nurbs Curve with a degree of 1. However it doesn’t seem to work if I use a higher degree, does this mean my points cannot be connected with a single equation? if so are there any other spline options?

Could you show us what’s not working and what are you expecting to look like?