Import vertical pipe diameter from excel

Hi @SHDW, welcome to the forum! :call_me_hand:

Please check out How to get help on the Dynamo forums

It’s taken awhile to look at your question as it is not a simple request

When looking at a complex problem we can break it down into component tasks, something like this:

  • Open excel file and extract data
  • Get data and elements from Revit document to assist with task
  • Format / manipulate data to be used in Dynamo / Revit
  • Process data to create new elements, in this case pipes
  • Manipulate new elements in the document, if required

The format of the Excel file is going to be important - here is an example

Here is a work in progress - unfortunately the Orchid node does not appear to be working
I have had to build python nodes to get pipe types and levels by name