Import Excel to Revit as a Legend

Hi, I am new with Dynamo. I have an idea which to import excel with particular cell to Revit but not as schedule but as a legend. Is that possible? which nodes that I need to use to start with.

Thank you in advance

Thats a very complex workflow for a beginner, work up towards it. Iā€™d suggest considering a note block/key schedule instead of legend ideally as there are no tools in Revit that handle cell structures in the form of legends - it would be lines and text.

Effectively you would need to read the file and then create pretend cells using lines and text. This would then lead on to things like checking minimum column width, making text styles to suit etc. Very complex.

Spend some time with dynamo primer then try reading excel files as data. From there youll need to learn about geometry, lists and data management to put together such a schedule in revit as a legend.

If you just need a solution and dont have time to learn then look into Diroots. Their sheet linking tool can do this i think.