Import excel sheet into revit

Bonjour à tous,
je viens vers vers du fait que je rencontre un petit soucis avec dynamo. il y’a quelques mois je faisais l’import facilement mais ce matin je réessaye et ça ne marche pas. le noeud data.importexcel m’affiche une erreur pourtant j’ose croire que tout est bien nommé. je joins une capture. merci

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Hi there,
I come towards towards the fact that I encounter a small problem with dynamo. a few months ago I was importing in Excel easily but this morning I tried again and it didn’t work. the data.importexcel node shows me an error however I believe that everything is well named.
I attach a screenshot.
thank you

@boris.nya ,

ufff english please or (and) some pics :wink:

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Hi Boris,

If you’re using Office 365, there are regular updates which often breaks the link with Dynamo.
You must repair Office 365 to recover functional nodes.

For information, there are two OpenXML nodes from Revit 2022 that work without an Excel license.

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Hi , Mr Alban, thank for your replied. I do it right away. have a nice day