Hello everyone,
I would like to get data of precalculated schedule in dynamo. I’ve seen some topic to do it, but everyone giving a solution in python scripts and i get errors with them (i have very limited knowledge in python and i’m not actualy able to correct the differents scripts).
The objective is to get the surface of some materials, if anyone have a better idea than collect data from material schedule, it could do the same job !
Thx for reading me,
have a good day!
Schedule is just a groupped parameters values. Maybe you can just read that parameters and group them in dynamo?
Hello Vladimir,
I can easily select material elements that i need but no parameter values from these elements can get me the cumulated surface of every element using the selected material.
I see, use Schedule.GetData from great Bimorph package than.
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Alright !
i will try this during the midday.
And also look into Schedule.GetCalculatedValues from SteamNodes package.
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These packages worked perfectly.
Thanks for the help !
Have a good day