Image to pattern - trying to understand image dimension

Hello Dynamates !

I am trying to translate an image to a sequence of spheres. I thought having a high resolution would give me a better translation of the image onto the spheres, but the whole thing does not seem to be linear. At a higher rate (2) I start to have voids whereas at 4 I get close to the original image. Anyone, an idea why ?

Thanks in advance for any help !


Hi @Philipp_Kuhne !
#x mean divide by x, if you want a step just write x
0…1…#50 make 50 values and 0…1…#25 make 25 values, so the sphères are closer in the first case.
You should connect your slider to the second code block, and drop the first one !

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Ensuring that the structure and count of the points list always matches the pixel list should mostly solve the issue

img.dyn (23.0 KB)


Dear Vikram,
Thanks for your helpful answer, I am utterly sorry for this late reply, work and xmas got in the way. Thanks to your hint I managed to get it right. It shows up fine in the watch 3d node yet not correctly in the 3d background - maybe that’s my lousy graphic card ?
Finally I used surfaces not spheres just to have it running faster and lighter.Image to Surf_01.dyn (29.8 KB)

OK, just noticed that the preview of the surface by patch node was hiding half of the colours in the 3d background …