Hi.Please help me my .dyn.
Please check this attachment.
I want to make area boundaries by model curves.But I can’t.
Please give me some advice.
You should look here Automation of Area Boundary Lines
Use flatten node after your curves and also follow the graph on above link.
I think you need to remove the Element.Location node. Hook the Flatten node directly to the AreaSeparator node.
You could also skip the Flatten node and tell the Area node to use the 2nd level of the Curve node.
I’m no expert… I figure this stuff out as I go along. The next thing I’d try is feeding the last node Curves, rather than Lines. There’s a node (I think it’s part of a Package) to turn lines into Curves.
Lines are curves so that shouldn’t be the issue. Try poking around in the contents of the custom node. A lot of times there is a dependancy inside it which you don’t have. Copy paste everything inside the node into your graph and rewire things as needed. This will often help troubleshoot.
Also might want to try feeding a single item in instead of a list. Use a list.getfirstitem node as a start point.