I can't add the PDFs in each plan created with the script

I am creating a script that allows me to add a blueprint for each PDF in the specified path. However, I am not able to add the image of the PDF in the blueprint. Any problem with the ImageType instance and its arguments?

import clr
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *

# Importar DocumentManager y TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

# Obtener el documento actual
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

rutas = IN[0]
caracteres = IN[1]
nGuiones = IN[2]


def create_plano(doc, nombre, r, i):
    # Obtener la ubicación del centro de la hoja
    center = XYZ(0, 0, 0)

    # Crear una nueva hoja de vista
    plano = ViewSheet.Create(doc, ElementId.InvalidElementId)
    plano.SheetNumber = nombre

    # Crear una nueva instancia de ImageTypeOptions para importar la imagen
    image_type_options = ImageTypeOptions(r, True, ImageTypeSource.Import)

    # Crear el ImageType en el documento activo
    image_type = ImageType.Create(doc, image_type_options)

    # Mover la imagen a la ubicación del centro de la hoja
    imageInstance = ImageInstance.Create(doc, plano.Id, center, image_type.Id)

for r in rutas:
    nombre = (r.rsplit("\\", 1))[1]
    nombre = nombre[:len(nombre) - (caracteres + 4)]

    if nombre.count("-") != nGuiones:
        nombre = nombre[:len(nombre) - 3]

    for i in range(20):
        i +=1
            create_plano(doc, nombre, r, i)


Hello @oneiber_v and welcome !

try this version

# Import necessary libraries
import clr
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *

# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

# Get the current document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

# Input variables
rutas = IN[0]  # List of file paths (PDFs)
caracteres = IN[1]  # Number of characters to remove from the file name
nGuiones = IN[2]  # Number of hyphens to consider in the file name

# Start a transaction to make changes to the Revit document

# Function to create a sheet based on a PDF
def create_sheet_by_pdf(doc, nombre, file_path):
    # Define a center point (XYZ)
    center = XYZ(0, 0, 0)
    # Create a new sheet in the document
    plano = ViewSheet.Create(doc, ElementId.InvalidElementId)
    plano.SheetNumber = nombre  # Set the sheet number
    # Define options for importing an image from a file
    image_type_options = ImageTypeOptions(file_path, True, ImageTypeSource.Import)
    # Create an image type using the specified options
    image_type = ImageType.Create(doc, image_type_options)
    # Define options for placing the image on the sheet
    imgPlacementOpt = ImagePlacementOptions(center, BoxPlacement.Center)
    # Create an image instance on the sheet using the image type and placement options
    imageInstance = ImageInstance.Create(doc, plano, image_type.Id, imgPlacementOpt)

# Loop through each PDF file path in the list
for pdf_path in rutas:
    # Extract the file name from the path
    nombre = (pdf_path.rsplit("\\", 1))[1]
    # Remove a specified number of characters and the file extension (".pdf")
    nombre = nombre[:len(nombre) - (caracteres + 4)]
    # Check if the file name contains the expected number of hyphens
    if nombre.count("-") != nGuiones:
        nombre = nombre[:len(nombre) - 3]  # Remove the last 3 characters
    # Call the create_sheet_by_pdf function to create a sheet for the PDF
    create_sheet_by_pdf(doc, nombre, pdf_path)

# Complete the transaction

Errors should never pass silently, so this syntax should be avoided

            create_plano(doc, nombre, r, i)

Hello, thank you for replying. I have tried but I got the following error.

PythonEvaluator.Error en la operación
Traceback (most recent call last):
File line 60, in
File “”, line 39, in
Exception: options.Path: unexpected
relative path or bad request to relativize a
Parameter name: options

some problem with the path, it has only generated a plan for a single pdf of all specified in the path, also it does not add the image/pdf to the created plan. For some reason I always fail to insert the image/pdf to the plan.

I’m not unable to reproduce this error without more information

try to use this method to check if the path is correct (before to call create_plano method)