How to write curtain wall mark value into doors hosted in that curtain wall?

Ok, I think that @Andreas_Dieckmann was spot on with the suggestion to use the Element.Panels and CurtainPanel.HostPanel nodes. Here’s how this can be achieved.

Ps. I am working under assumption that you don’t actually want to tag ALL of the doors but just the ones that are hosted in the curtain walls. With that being said I am actually excluding walls that are not Curtain Walls and I am excluding doors that are not hosted inside of the Curtain Wall. Also, I agree with @awilliams that doing intersection for location points can be a little heavy computationally, especially that this can be sorted out with just properties and some list management.

Here’s the files: wallmarkToDoorMark.dyn (29.2 KB)

I am using Revit 2018, Dynamo 1.3 and Archi-lab 2018.0.8 I did use Clockwork but I had to make some changes to the list handling so i ripped out the guts of it, and you will see them on canvas as Python nodes. @Andreas_Dieckmann sorry mate!