How to repeat dynamo script for list of multiple inputs?

I have a lengthy script that takes phase name string and adds indices to objects in that phase.
I want to do it to a list of phases but if I just make a list and feed it into the input it will add indices to all of them at once and instead of having e.g. one phase having indices 1-64, and another 1-55 ect. I will have all phases indicated at once 1-119.

How do I run script for each string in the green rectangle separately. Something to do with list.cycle?

@1bitBoolean ,

use an editor like Notepad+



This is simplification of my node tree. I want each string’s boolean output lists to be numbered from 1-list.count value.
If I just add an entire list to it it will filter all elements in all phase strings. I want to run script 15 times, each time with different string from the list.

hello, here is a possibility


That works, thanks a lot!

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