I would like to sustitute the node “Select Model Element” for a List that it is taking each element and runing the script presented in the following image. It seems like it is a While Loop but I can’t make with the nodes alredy definied in Dynamo.
Lacing and list management should be all that is required for this. No need to beat your head to a pulp trying to set up a loop. Your python will need to be adjusted to group members correctly.
Start with a list and see where errors/issues pop up. Most of them can be fixed with lacing. Python will probably have to be modified to take a list but you should be able to find examples all over the forum. Just give it a try and see what happens.
Finally inside of the phyton script i put this information.
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import * #Las entradas de este nodo se almacenan como lista en las variables IN.
dataEnteringNode = IN
#Asigne la salida a la variable OUT.
OUT = [UnwrapElement(m).Members for m in IN[0]]