How to reorder list

Hi everyone!

I have list text original = [‘3A’, ‘2B’, ‘3A’, ‘2B’, ‘3A’,“4A”]

How to get new_list and reoder:
get = [‘3A’, ‘2A’, ‘3B’, ‘2B’, ‘3C’, “4A”]
Thank advance !!!

import collections
original = ['3A', '2B', '3A', '2B', '3A',"4A"]
duplicate = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(original).items() if count > 1]

#get duplicate index
def find_indices(list_check, item_find):
    return [idx for idx, value in enumerate(list_check) if value == item_find]

index_duplicate = []
for i in duplicate:
	index_duplicate.append(find_indices(original, i))
#how to get list of index

list_by_index = [['3A', '3A', '3A'], ['2B', '2B']]

# and how to get new list
new_list = ['3A', '3B', '3C', '2A', '2B']

#and get list sorted by index of original
get = ['3A', '2A', '3B', '2B', '3C', "4A"]

Could you explain a bit more what you are trying to do? I find it hard to follow what you have, what you want and which rules you want to get there.

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Dear Sir
Thank for reply

I want update Family Type and resort it based on new type name and old type name.

Family Type is unique so “3A” and “3A” is Not Good.
If new type duplicate, I want change by alphabet. A~Z

a solution with a dictionary

import sys

original = ['3A', '2B', '3A', '2B', '3A',"4A"]

out = []
# create a dict to store letter (start letter is 'A')
dict_suffix = {i[0] : "A"  for i in original}

for i in original:
    current_suffix = dict_suffix[i[0]]
    out.append(i[0] + current_suffix)
    # update the dict and increment the letter
    dict_suffix[i[0]] = chr(ord(current_suffix)+ 1)
OUT = out
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I still confuse with what you want, if you want sort by alphabet with A=>Z can consider :

a = ["1A", "2X", "3R", "4D", "5B", "6F", "7G", "8H"]
## sort a by the last character of each string
a.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1])

Result : ['1A', '5B', '4D', '6F', '7G', '8H', '3R', '2X']

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HI @manhgt214 ,

I think this is the workflow you’re looking for:

2023-05-12 Unique Combinations From Numbers.dyn (16.9 KB)

PS: I realise now that the List.SortByKey is a bit overkill, List.Sort would work too.


Hi Mr @c.poupin Thank you so much!! <3

@chuongmep, @Daan thank for answer I think Mr @c.poupin 's solution is best for me

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Hi change a litle bit, I can get new list by add prefix and same index of old list.

import sys
import re

original = ['B-3A',"G-65BA",'250B', '30A', '250B', '30A',"450A","B-700AB"]

out = []
# create a dict to store letter (start letter is 'A')
dict_suffix = {i[:4] : "A"  for i in original}

for i in original:
    current_suffix = dict_suffix[i[:4]]
    out.append("JW-" + re.findall(r'\d+', i)[0] + current_suffix)
    # update the dict and increment the letter
    dict_suffix[i[:4]] = chr(ord(current_suffix)+ 1)

#result: ['JW-3A', 'JW-65A', 'JW-250A', 'JW-30A', 'JW-250B', 'JW-30B', 'JW-450A', 'JW-700A']