How to get index of List!

Hi all…how to get index of two List in the picture?
Thank you…

Are they always at position 2 and 3?

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What exactly are you wanting to do? You’re already getting the index of each item. Can you show us what your expected outcome would be?

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Hi @Eng.Minh,
Welcome to the Dynamo community.
Try copy-pasting the code as shown below into a Python node in your graph.
IndexOf (No Repeat).dyn (5.4 KB)

OUT = []
for i,x in enumerate(IN[1]):
	allIndices = [j for j,y in enumerate(IN[0]) if y == x]
	if allIndices:
			k = IN[1][:i].count(x)
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Thank you for reply
I have a list 1 of equipments; List 2 is a list point of equipment; List 3 is a new list point.
I want sort list 1 equal list 3

@Eng.Minh Just swap the inputs on Python node.

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Thannk you very much

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