How to remove repeated Item and single Item of list?

HI I want to remove these items from the list but I cant with boolmask or comper or…any one can show me the solution?

NOT according with index please

Can you explain the logic behind excluding indicies 3,4 and 5? I don’t quite understand what you’re after here.

Same topic twice?

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i mean i dont want use of index…same as ITEM OF INDEX

it was according to index

But 0 and 180 are not the same…

I found it…thanks alot :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah! You’re looking to get angles which are orthogonal to the base direction.

I’d use the modulo function here instead of defining a list as it will provide more consistent results.

n%90 == 0 in a code block, or % node followed by a == node.