How to remove and replace


I have made a workflow based on the void family which is placed where eg. pipe or duct meeting the wall.
Is there somhow a node that will remove the voids familys
again and replace them. ?

or do i have to look at Python script, wish i can´t

I don’t exactly understand what you’re after, but maybe these nodes will help you:

hi i just need somthing to remove and replace the void family.

The node (Element.Delete) i have look at, but is delete the void family from the
project. wich i do not want that.

If you’re attempting to revise the placement base on new wall/pipe locations, re-running the graph after saving it should work as long as you’ve leveraged element binding correctly.

the pipes and the ducts are in MEP- link fil, does it work still ? if somehow the pipes or duct are move i the mep-fil i have to reload the link-fil. then the placement of the void family is wrong.

Element Binding should take care of this, but you may have to save and reopen the graph.

but the old placement of the void family is still there. see pic. i need the old placement too be remove and then place the void family the new place.

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Can you provide the rvt files and dyn?

Yes i can. is not very
tidy :slight_smile:

give me to monday :slight_smile:

What happened?
did it got resolved?