How to read a XML file in Dynamo using Lunchbox package?

I am trying to use “GetXMLNode” in lunchbox package to read an XML file and select my required data. I read this post “Integrating XML with Dynamo via LunchBox”,

but I don’t understand the 2nd diagram, how to show an XML file and its content in dynamo?
I use readtext to read an xml file, it shows I lost all my tagnames, so I am not able to use “GetXMLNode” to select my value.
I add the xml as the attachment, but change it as txt file. May save it as xml.

Thank you!

sample.txt (351 Bytes)

Hi @Cassandra

Could you drop here your sample.xml file.

Hi Kulkul. Thank you for reply! it is not allowed for uploading XML, I paste a screenshot.

One common work around: Change the file format to .txt and then upload with a note that we would need to change it to .xml.

Hi Jacob, I’ve upload it. Thank you for your reminder.

hmmm… working on my end… the second output is for the nodes, the first is for the values… what type of list structure are you looking for?

the node isn’t in the lunchbox package anymore