How to project a terrain profile in a section or elevation view?

I have this topographical solid with some hydrosanitary parts housed in it in different places.

my goal with dynamo is to create a line based on the selection order of the hydrosanitary parts as shown in the image below:

I manage to project the lines, but something strange happens, the lines do not have the same levels as the hydrosanitary parts should have, in the projected line on the side there is a position divergence

my goal is that I can create a polyline in the same way as the polyline following the terrain in blue where the black circles are the heights of the hydrosanitary parts, however I can either make a polyline that only follows the elevations of the parts or only one that follows the terrain elevations parallel to the poly blue line

Projeto1 TESE.rvt (3.0 MB)

the values ​​that command are for the hydrosanitary parts that are above the dashed line. 3.43 and not 3.50 followed by 4.58 but the distance from 3.10m not to 3.09m is like this follows the divergences
in yellow is the profile of the land and its representation in plan also to the right of the screen along with the hydrosanitary parts

Projeto1 TESE.rvt (3.3 MB)
(upload://57dnuvdKr3SoEHEYrIwiy9L4r8t.dyn) (167.7 KB)