Hi everyone,
I’ve created a questionnaire starting from the package “Data Shapes” of @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi. It’s an “dynamic” one because the questions contained in each form depend on the previous form.
For example, if the answers at the “FORM1” are “TRUE” (question 1) ,“FALSE”(question 2) , “TRUE” (question 3) will be trigger the FORM 2, in the others case a different form.
My question is: There is a method or tool that permits me to save the answer in a report?
I attached here below a .jpg of a generic form, the dynamo file “Questionnaire.dyn” and a FAC-SIMILE of what I want to obtain.FAC SIMILE.pdf (47.1 KB)
Questionnaire.dyn (83.7 KB)