Hi, trying to do what the title says. I’ve built a graph but can’t understand why it won’t accept my inputs
Thanks in advance
I saw my error (changed the end node) but despite getting no warnings the desired outcome of setting the links to half tone doesnt work
Hi @louisbanks and welcome
you need to get all RevitLinkType
and use SetElementOverride
(instead of by Category)
see an example here
if you haven’t done so already, take time to read the forum rules (How to get help on the Dynamo forums ) and the community guidelines (https://forum.dynamobim.com/faq )
Thanks v much for this. I tried the setup in the snip, whilst there are no warnings, links aren’t going to halftone. Any ideas? Thanks
after checking, it seems that the parameters (halftone and underlay) are still not exposed in the Revit API for Revit link
Hi, all what Cyril say but probably something here could work for you, but you will need run every time you assign a viewtemplate
Thanks v much for this. Anyway you can share the script or provide an image with some more clarity. Would be appreciated
yeah sure but just a fast example, but still best just do it manuel with halftone on the link…and think it isnt so big job, and better than override…IMO
view from tem.dyn (30.4 KB)