How to model a tunnel in Revit

Translated from Chinese by moderator, original post below the line.

What data are needed, what preparations are needed,

Original post below:


Please note the forum is intended to be in English so that the search features work correctly. Also, we are more than happy to help trouble shoot graphs or nodes, but please don’t just ask a blanket question on how to do something Like “Build a tunnel in Revit” and expect someone to do your work for you.

OK, sorry, I’ll send it again. Sorry for the first time


@SeanP , He’s said everything there is to say about it. However, there are solutions that have been made within the forum before the pain of making your job easier and giving ideas. I’m sharing an example.

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I haven’t any experience about Civil, maybe you can find your needs in this forums.

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thank you

OK, thank you for answering my question

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Again, I am sorry for you. My English level is poor. The first time I use this forum is a beginner. I am very sorry. Next time I use English, thank you for reminding me

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