Generate a metro tunnel in Revit using Dynamo


I would like to start using dynamo to generate the tunnel of a metro in Revit with an excel files with the coordinnate x,y,z of the center line.

A simple representation, I would like to know if with Dynamo I could create a 3D line in Revit that allow me to create a simple swipe of the 2D profile.

If someone has a workflow to help me thanks.

Welcome @Nounours
There are several threads here on the forum that can get you started.
Use the search button.

AU has a few presentations on metro/rail design workflow (mostly within the last three years).

Generally, you will get better responses if you show your current progress (screenshots, dyn file) and ask for specific advice on issues you’re having.

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Thank you.

For the moment I didn’t start Dynamo yet. I was asking if it was possible to do it. Creating the 3D curve of the metro alignement and use this 3D curve in Revit for create a swipe.