How to make the floor fit into the envelope

Hello. Please understand that I’m asking questions using a translator.
When I started Dynamo and modeled Hearst Tower, I completed the envelope first.
And then I’m trying to put the floor 4m apart to fit the outer skin, but I’m not sure how to cut the curve.
I temporarily used a rectangle to express the floor I want to put in, but can anyone suggest a way?

I’m sorry that I seem to be asking too much basic information.

Assuming you have a solid for the tower geometry.

Try intersecting the solid of the tower with planes drawn at the desired elevations.

  • Point.ByCoordinates using a list of elevations for the Z value and 0 for the X and Y input to produce a point at each level.
  • Plane.ByOriginNormal using the points as the origin and the Z axis as the normal.
  • Geometry.Intersect to intersect the planes with the solid. The result should be a surface.
  • Pull the perimeter curves of the surface (Surface.PerimeterCurves).
  • Use those curves to generate your floors.

Thank you for your answer.
The tower is tied to the list by a line and surface.
I tried making and connecting a Solid using Surface.Thicken, but it didn’t run, can you help me a little more?

With that zoom ratio, can you use the ‘export canvas as image’ feature from the edit or file menu so I can see how you are building the shape of the envelope? Away from my cpu so I cannot open your files directly.

Here you are.

Ah. You have a surface.ByRuledLoft node generating the walls, not a solid. Intersecting that surface with the planes as described before will give sub-lists of curves, each which can be used for a floor plate.


I solved it. Thank you for helping me through.

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Hi, I wanted to try another track
here is a start of script
28 Mai tour essai.dyn (34.8 KB)
