How to Install Sketchup From Dynamo Package

“Hi Dynamo Community,
I want to import SketchUp geometry into Dynamo. I’ve found the package that contains the node I need, but I don’t know how to install the ‘SketchUp From Dynamo’ package because it’s not showing up in Dynamo where we normally install packages. Can anyone help?”.
Thanks in advance

I can see a package called ‘sketchupfordynamo’ when i search for sketchup on package manager. Noting it has not been updated since january 2022 so who knows if it works anymore…

The author has it on git here as opensource, which sometimes (not always) means it has been left behind by the author for other projects:

i havent tried that package, but seem very old…another option could probably be speckle…know it isnt dynamo :wink:

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Here is the way i get it to work in 2024…go to package manager download the latest…go to your package directory cut the package to the desktop feks…open revit dyn again, go to ekstra in that folder on your desktop, open the dyn there, then you will see the package isnt installed, then just install the package that dynamo suggest and should work…hope it make sense :wink:

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@GavinCrump and @sovitek, thanks for the answer. I will try it and let you know if there are any obstructions.”

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Hi @sjafarali75, we’re actively working on File Type support right now, which includes nodes that import .skp files :smiling_face:


Hi @solamour, sorry for the late reply. I’m happy to hear that the import.skp file node will be available, and thank you for sharing information about it.

“Hi @sovitek, your trick has worked, and the nodes are showing. However, I’m encountering an issue when running this script with my own simple SketchUp model. It’s not displaying any information. I’ve sent an images. I tried to send my SketchUp file as well, but this website is not allowing SKP files. Could you please let me know why these nodes are not working on my skp model?”

Hi @sjafarali75 not sure actuelly i dont know sketchup at all ;), but if i remember there was a node in that package for skp version probably thats the reason, you can share your skp via filetransfer, webtransfer etc and share the link here :wink:

Hi @sovitek Thanks for the reply, i have added SketchUp file in this link “Data package from April 22nd. -” . Please check and let me know any further information.

Hi I cant to get it to work on your file…i have tried on another skp sample file in 2021 and works, not sure why as i dont know how skp works…when i insert file via revit ui i can get to work, but get a warning when i insert, but i can only get the geometry—

Hello! This may or may not help you.

If you save the sketchup file version as sketchup version 8 or lower, you can use the import CAD option inside the family enviroment.

If your goal was to get the geometry and turn it into a family then you can still do it manually if this dynamo doesnt work out.

I believe that Forma has a good means for this, even at scale. Worth checking that forum if this is your goal.