How to group by multiple keys (x, y, z)

I’m trying to group by multiple keys.
I want to group the columns in the same location. (x == x, y == y, z == z)

this result is what i want:

Point(100, 100, 20)
Point(120, 110, 10)
Point(100, 100, 20)
Point(100, 100, 10)

0 List
Point(100, 100, 20)
Point(100, 100, 20)

1 List
Point(120, 110, 10)

2 List
Point(100, 100, 10)

I’m having difficulty trying to group groups.

thank you.

Hi @minji

You could do something like this:


that was easy. thank you so much!!

I am trying to do something similar. I want to group the columns in the same location (x==x, y==y, but z can be different).
With your help I already did the groups but now I need to know how to give the same name to the elements of each group.