How to get the central line with dynamo from cad?Thank you first!
How to get the central line with dynamo from cad.rvt (2.8 MB)
How to get the central line with dynamo from cad.dyn (11.1 KB)
How to get the central line with dynamo from cad.dwg (44.7 KB)
If you need to pick up any line from a specific layer from cad just link cad file into Revit then use BIMORPH Package to deal with it.
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Thanks! Yes,I get any lines from CAD with BIMORPH Package. But I want to get the central line between two parallel lines.
try to link start and end points of those lines and then create a point at middle of the resultant lines by point at parameter then draw a line by Line by start and end point.
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Thank you! I think so. But I do not know how to do it . i do not know how to group these points which together.
Try this but it might need some cleaning process of the resultant lines like extend or fillet
trial g.dyn (82.9 KB)