How to get Revit wall structure properties with Dynamo


I’m trying to get the wall structure properties from an element in Revit with Dynamo. I wonder if there is a node or a script that can do that?

I would like to change the properties through Dynamo.

Because there is a node to change the parameters but not the structure like the picture I uploaded.

Best regards


Try the wall compound layer structure node from the clockwork package.



I don’t know how to get the information from the node, I already have chosen an element (the wall) but no information is being displayed on the watch nodes. Only empty lists.

Best Regards


Looks like you’re feeding an element instance into a node which is asking for an element type. Try pulling the wall’s type first and feed that in.


Thank you it worked. Is there any way to manipulate the structure like we can do in Revit? Like changing a layer for another or changing the width?

Clockwork has nodes for FamilyType.SetCompoundLayerWidth, and FamilyType.SetCompoundLayerMaterial. Not sure about adding and removing layers, but if you look around you’ll likely find it.

Yes, thank you, I found the nodes. I will try to figure it out if I can change them.