Hi, community.
I’ve been following this forum for a while, but this is my first post here.
I’m currently creating a program to place instances within a boundary that’s defined by two corner points.
I need to select a point accurately from the model, but I don’t know how. Right now I’m using Select Point on Face, but I can’t snap to intersections or end.
Anyone can suggest me what node I can use so I can snap to a point and get the point coordinate? I only need the X and Y value. I will provide the elevation.
You can get the Intersection points by using Geometry.Intersect node and to get end point use Curve.Endpoint node. Refer to this http://dictionary.dynamobim.com for more info.
It’s not exactly what I’m looking for. I need to pick a point similar to “Select Point on face” node. But that node doesn’t allow me to snap to an intersection point.