How to get coordinate value by snapping to the element

Hi, community.
I’ve been following this forum for a while, but this is my first post here.

I’m currently creating a program to place instances within a boundary that’s defined by two corner points.
I need to select a point accurately from the model, but I don’t know how. Right now I’m using Select Point on Face, but I can’t snap to intersections or end.
Anyone can suggest me what node I can use so I can snap to a point and get the point coordinate? I only need the X and Y value. I will provide the elevation.

Thanks in advance!


You can get the Intersection points by using Geometry.Intersect node and to get end point use Curve.Endpoint node. Refer to this for more info.

Thank you, Kulkul.

It’s not exactly what I’m looking for. I need to pick a point similar to “Select Point on face” node. But that node doesn’t allow me to snap to an intersection point.

Something like this?
:snowflake:_Pick Points on Workplane from the Sastrugi package.


Yes, exactly what I’m looking for!
Thank you, Ewan!

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I’m finding the same solution for Revit 2023 can you please help me i can’t find this node in the package