a=[i for i in fami if i.Name==Nom]
OUT = a,a[0]
I think ChatGPT is going to be more harmful in the long run because the answers will seem plausible, yet they will have fundamental flaws or straight out fabrications, frustrating learners and experts alike. Alternately Github co-pilot is actually worthwhile as it only works by line or small code snippet and is context aware
When I want to get something specific, especially by matching a parameter I will tend to use the FEC - however FECs (this has a different meaning if you’re Irish) can be simple, or as frustrating as a calculator using Reverse Polish Notation
EDIT Updated code - see comment below
Start with with pfr = ParameterFilterRuleFactory.CreateEqualsRule(ElementId(BuiltInParameter.SYMBOL_NAME_PARAM), name). I used to roll my own filters but once I found the rule factory it has become a lot easier - use you BIP of choice here SYMBOL_FAMILY_NAME_PARAM, etc
Drop into filter = ElementParameterFilter(pfr)
and finally types = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(FamilyInstance).WherePasses(filter).FirstElement() or ToElements()
I’m not at my workstation so I’m working from memory - this should get you closer to what you want to achieve (or use Christian’s code )
My code was a little misleading - we need to get the parameter id as an ElementId so the revised code would be… ParameterFilterRuleFactory.CreateEqualsRule(ElementId(BuiltInParameter.SYMBOL_NAME_PARAM), name, False)