I have a Civil3D file that has a block that is made up of a closed polyline with a hatch. I would like to extract the polyline from the block as a polycurve. The ultimate goal is to determine the area enclosed within the polycurve, which I know how to do however, I am having trouble interacting with objects that are nested within blocks.
The dropbox link to view the dwg is below. It is a very simple dwg including only a block. The block is made up of a closed polyline and a hatch. The end goal would be to determine the square footage of polyline in the block.
@Kulkul awesome thank you, that looks like it is close to what I will need to do. Accessing the nexted items with list.last is what I was missing I think.
I have a follow up question regarding the coordinate system. Does that method return the coordinate system used on the blockReference in the dwg?