How to create lots of levels with different level TYPES

simple task: I have two different type of levels. but there isn’t a node in dynamo that add levels by type, only by elevation or name or both. my second type of level uses different level heads etc. How do I mass create levels but assign some of them to a different level type?

Have you attempted to set the type after creating them in Dynamo?

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I tried the Family Types node, where you can select a type in a drop down menu, but the level type isn’t there. Are level types (system family) accessed differently?

you can access them like this :

I tried to do this but of course level is not a family instance. Output is null
Is there a node that can do what I need to do?

I can certainly manually set them but they are vast in number. I wondered if there is a way in dynamo to do them all at once

Hi @visualizor,

I have the same problem with “gridlines”.
When i have a project with a lot gridlines i can’t seem to figure out how to set them to the desired GridType :disappointed_relieved:
I hope someone can solve this.

Kind regards,

Looks like you might have to use Python.

Had same issue, if anyone had it, this should work…