How to create list of sheets where elements appear?

I am trying to create a dynamo script that obtains all revision clouds of a user specified revision (even if it isn’t the current revision) and then creates a print set of the sheets where the revision appears. I have made one that successfully does this for the current revision field of a sheet, however, I can’t get it to function with non-current revisions. Say i want to print all sheets that have revision 4 on them, but the current revision for some of the sheets is revision 6. Once i use the get all elements of category node to obtain all revision clouds, how would i get the sheets associated with each element? I am able to get the revision number of each element and I believe I know how to map it all and get it to work together once I can obtain the sheet for each element. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.


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You can get the view associated with the cloud and then get the sheet the view is placed on. The problem here is if you use dependent views, then the owner of the cloud will be the parent view. This can also lead to clouds technically existing in views where they aren’t meant to be visible, leading to “false positives”.

Unfortunately, it’s not as straight forward as you may have thought unless you’re clouding directly on sheets (but that has its own issues).

So I am clouding directly on the sheets, not in views, how would you go about getting those sheets?

Same way. The owner view associated with the cloud would just be the sheet.