How to count windows just outside/near ares?

I’m trying to give windows a value based of a “nearby” (apartment) area, but I can’t get it to work.

I have figured out have to give elements values that are inside the area but not just outside.

Is there anyone how has any tips how to do it?


Merge the areas into a single solid with a Solid.ByUnion node.

Then use a Geometry.ClosestPointTo node to find the point on the unioned solid closest to each window.

Then use a Geometry.DoesIntersect node to find which area the closest point intersects with.

Or alternatively, use the from room or to room value after enabling room calculation points in your window family and circumvent the need for any of the geometry calculations.


Here is an alternative example for windows in spaces, but should be the same for rooms and areas


Thanks both solutions worked… but I went with this one!!!

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