Is there a manner to change the titleblock for a lot sheets? I need to replace a titleblock family with another more updated one
Thanks for yor helps!
Is there a manner to change the titleblock for a lot sheets? I need to replace a titleblock family with another more updated one
Thanks for yor helps!
Hello @tcardia and welcome to the forum…something here should do it…
Thank you very much for your answer… I don’y have the block “Sheet.TitleBlock” Where does I can find it?
which version are you in…cant remember when it comes to revit as an ootb node…but in older version rhythm or genius loci, datashapes , crumple have nodes for that as well
I’m using:
dynamo core:
Dynamo Revit:
ok then try some of these nodes i mention
Thanks a lot @sovitek
It works! Now I have to change, the same titleblock for all the sheets. With your method it be possible to change it, but one by one. Do you have some advice?
Yes you can get all sheets this way here…for you its element types- all element of type instead of element classes…and find out whitch there need a new titleblock, here i just do it for names…bad exemple as sheet names isnt unique, do it on sheet number is best…my bad
Just as a note. You can select the titleblock inside revit, right click and “select all in project” and then in the properties bar you can use the dropdown menu to select the new type.
Not saying dont do the script, just incase you overlooked a revit feature
That was the solution :.) Thank you!
Came here to say the same thing- good call.