How to assign a unique Mark value to the Beams with the same Length?

Hi everyone,
This script can assign marks to the beams.
But I want Beams with the same Length to have the same Mark.
I would appreciate it if someone can help me to write the proper script.

Hi @yaser.alipoor,

I would suggest using the node UniqueItems to get all unique lengths to get the least/ unique amount of marks for your beams.
Then you can the amount of those values as input for a simple range, something like this:

"Mark" + 1..(Count+1);
With then Count as the input for your amount of unique values.

Then you could feed those mark names into the correct beams by using your unique items to group by key with the node List.GroupByKey

(PS: i dont know how you want your beams names, this just gives “Mark 1” - “Mark n”)

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Hello @yaser.alipoor ,
group all the beam by its length value using “Group by Key”
then assign mark value to group.
Hoping this will solve your problem.

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Thank you so much @Daan
I could solve it with your help.

Thank you so much for your help @honeyjain619

How can I add another filter like Type?
I mean Beams with the same Length and the same Type to have the same Mark.

Hi @yaser.alipoor, you could use the list.groupbykey node multiple times, just make sure your list levels are then kept :slight_smile: