How to arrange multiple Revit groups?

Ah, let me sip that cactus juice, I love magic, and granted, time slips by so easily these days, we all need some time out to sit back and smell the roses and rescue other lives, on a personal dive of 10, I think 8, to be able to solve another’s problem shows very noble intentions indeed, not so sure about teaming up with Pythons and Lexicons, I would prefer pure bleach blondes, and with weakened superpowers, Clark may have rushed rather blindly to rescue the damsel, while trying to stop a speeding glock. I’ll quote one of our greatest leaders of our time who’s words should still ring in mortal ears, “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.” So as we attend our gardens of Eden, mindful of carpet snakes, I will share, if you haven’t already seen or know, how you can carve up a chocolate block so you can get a free extra slice – sssshh your reward !, and get to see gold and triplets and doublets at the end of all rainbows. (

But as the juice washes down your oesophagus inducing that warming effect, you might realize two things are astray kind sir, don’t get me wrong the magic is wonderfully smooth but lacks a little charred oak, that being, you have to shut down dynamo and relaunch, for it to run again, but a tad more crucial, is that I need to be able to include a “rotate” the group when positioning it (a number from excel), similar to an earlier post (Is it possible to mirror or rotate a Revit group? ) to either up, down, or left and right and all angles inbetween, then I’ll be able to rest my head in the nirvana of Hilbert’s Hotel.

The number of course is 42.!

PlaceGroup-Kryptonite version.dyn (20.0 KB)

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