Place existing model group at point


I want to replace 6 parking family with a model group that has 6 parking for further easier modification.

I have the center point, I have my group but neither Steam node, nor the MEP node working.
I have seen in older topic MEP node required the group to be created before placement. I don’t want this, my groups are ready and been used in the project already.

How to get this done?


Hi @daninet

You could go inside custom node change ToXyz to ToRevitType(True) it should work fine.

Working, thanks. :clap::beer:

How do you get inside the custom node?
I tried to right-click and go to “edit custom node”, but that option doesn’t exist for this node.

You can open custom nodes that are assembled in dynamo. They are marked with multiple window like the Tool.PlaceGroupAtPoint on the first image.

So what node did you edit here?

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
from System.Collections.Generic import *
# Import RevitAPI
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

# Import ToDSType(bool) extension method
import Revit
# Import geometry conversion extension methods

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

locationPoint = IN[0]
groupType = IN[1]


#TODO: can this method return None on error or does it always raise and exception on error?
groupInstance = doc.Create.PlaceGroup(locationPoint.ToRevitType(True), UnwrapElement(groupType))


#Assign your output to the OUT variable. 
OUT = groupInstance.ToDSType(True)

Hello, it works perfectly when a group is located, but when you want to link a list of points it doesn’t work. Could you help me?