How do I remove WIP banner from sheets with a dynamo script?

Hey guys,

I’m relatively new to Dynamo and Revit but I do understand the workflow that goes into making a script. I work for a company where there is a need to switch off and switch on the WIP stamp on the sheets from time to time. Is there any way I could make a script and automate this workflow by running it directly on Dynamo, wherein I could switch off the WIP stamp from all sheets at one go?
So I don’t need to go to each sheet individually and switch on and switch off the WIP stamp from the sheet properties. It’s a sheet parameter given on the bottom right corner of our sheets. It would be great if someone could guide me on this.


Manish Simon
Architectural Consultant at Atkins


If the WIP banner is placed as text then associate it with a parameter then you can turn it on/off by just selecting all sheets in project browser…no need for dynamo.

Or I’d you want to stay with Dynamo, Element.SetParameterByName will get you started.

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