How can you choose which version of Dynamo to load 0.7.5 or 0.8.0 in Revit 2015

If you have Revit 2015 installed then you have the default 0.7.5 version of Dynamo. If you then downloaded and installed 0.8.0 and decided that you wanted to go back to using 0.7.5 how do you do it?

A. Go to your user profile folder C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo and edit the file you see there called “DynamoDllForLoad_2015.txt”.

There is one line in that file. For using the 0.7.5 version of Dynamo edit it to -

C:\Program Files\Dynamo 0.7\Revit_2015\DynamoRevitDS.dll

OR for using 0.8.0 edit it to -

C:\Program Files\Dynamo 0.8\Revit_2015\DynamoRevitDS.dll

I want to log the answer here because I could not find it when I searched for it.

first install 0.7.5 after that 0.8.xx. after installation you may select between those two versions