Hide Linked CAD Layers By Name - Bimorph Nodes

I want to use Bimorph Nodes to hide Linked CAD Layers by Name.
I’ve tried reading the documentation and the forum posts, but the solutions are incomplete or outdated.
Any pointers would be appreciated; first timer.

Is the graph you provided not working? What are the outputs of each node?

Nothing happens when I run it.
The “ImportInstance.SetLayerVisibility” node warns that I am passing the incorrect information to the node.

Overload Arguement

You our Filter node does not have the right info going to it.

I got this to work and its a great help. I’m relatively new at Dynamo so please bear with me on the following questions.

  1. Is it possible to run this on linked in CAD files?
  2. Is it possible to select several CAD files at the one time and then run it.
  3. Under Code Block is it possible to enter multiple layers to turn off (example: Anno, Xtra, XREF)

Thank you, Alan