I am wondering if anybody has some experience with heat load calculations within Dynamo. I would like to make heat load calculations with Dynamo and I am trying to build something but it is pretty complex. So I am looking for scripts or advice.
@gdemol Small sample files and screenshots always help.
In fact, it’s expected and you’re unlikely to get a response without something more than a description of your problem.
Yeah. In my last reply I said: ‘It is my intention to get the area’s of all elements that enclose a Space to use them in (heat load) calculations.’ That was one of the problems I had (with the floors).
Actually this post was just to ask if anybody has ever made heat load calculations with Dynamo. But I get it, I have to come up with problems, not general questions. Thanks anyway!
The output is: AttributeError: ‘Location’ object has no attribute ‘Curve’. Any idea what causes this?
In the meantime there is already another solution for my problem (to get the elements that enclose/are adjacent to a Space like floors): Take Area of each floor inside Space